Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kids and food

Is anybody watching "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution"? It has become one of the 3 shows I watch. We sold all of our TVs, but there's still Hulu online. It's great because I can watch my 3 shows when there's no more daylight (or gardening time) left. Anyway, the Food Revolution has some "TV drama" bits in it, which must be ignored. But it's still interesting and very much vegetable/garden related. Check out this clip:

I believe that we need more basic "food education" in schools. And school gardens are a great way to do that. Maybe Jamie will help these kids start a garden at their school.

Another, unrelated, subject that I believe is missing? Financial how to save, understanding credit cards, etc. People shouldn't have to go to business school to understand these basics. And from the looks of it, on average, we're not making the best financial decisions...


Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Hi Jackie! Shocking... From my own experience: when my 6-7 y.o. neighbor saw a cucumber in my garden, he called it a pickle. At least, he was close.
I ment to watch this program, but we are people without a TV program.

Stefaneener said...

Well, my kids are getting the garden/food stuff. And our homeschooled teens get an 18 month course in money management starting from personal finance all the way through multiple stock questions, etc. This week's homework is on REITs. I'm so pleased for them.

Curbstone Valley Farm said...

We just had this conversation with friends at dinner the other night. I grew up with 'home economics' in school. I gardened as a child, was taught to cook. It really dismays me at what our children don't learn in school today. So many things have fallen out of the modern curriculum. But food, it's basic, as is the skill to cook it. If more of our children learned about food, maybe less of them would be eating out of cans and boxes, and maybe obesity, heart disease, and diabetes in children (and of course eventually they become adults) would finally start to decrease.

Jackie said...

Tatyana, you can watch it online at for free!

Stefaneener, it sounds like your kids are getting the best education possible.

CVF, I think you are right. We really need to get kids eating more healthy food.