Behold, the first tomato of the season, "Stupice":
Though it only weighed in at 1.125 oz., I'm still proud. It is common for tomatoes to be smaller than normal in our cool summers. That's part of the reason I'm growing 17 tomato plants! And yes, it was delicious!
During the winter months, when I see tomatoes at the grocery store, I often feel a little bit sad. Pitiful little specimens, forced to grow out of can we expect them to taste like anything but wet mush? It's not fair to blame the tomatoes, since they are genetically programmed to sprout when given certain growing conditions. We can't really blame the farmer/grower; they're just trying to make a living. The only one at fault is the buyer of the wintertime tomatoes. The buyers are the ones who ultimately bring these poor, wretched tomatoes into existence through their buying power ;) Ok, snap out of's summer!
You are right... just like date palms, they wont thrive in area less than desert!!... definitely not in a snow capped mountains. Yes, the genetic program!!
~ bangchik
I love the big picture of your little tomato, but it has big flavor so the the picture is spot on.
I agree about there being a market for pink rocks because people buy them. I wonder why they buy them,they have no flavor. Oh well, I think most people have no idea that tomatoes, or produce in general, have a season. A friend of mine never ate tomatoes, didn't like them, until I gave her a home grown one. Now she loves them, but only in season... smart girl.
Definitely a reason to celebrate! Congrats on your first one of the season!
I currently don't understand why anyone would buy a tomato or watermelon out of season, but they do. Change is happening, and will spread until it doesn't make sense to buy out of season, and folks will rediscover the taste of real food.
Your trials are a great resource for other coastal gardeners.
I've got some Stupice growing, but they were put in later than the others, so the Sungold had them beat. They're still going to provide a lot per plant, if I see accurately.
Thanks for all your comments! I'll keep you posted through-out the tomato trials.
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