I've been thinking about how companies, such as Monsanto, are able to patent their evil concoctions. The movie, Food Inc., shows the details of how Monsanto's genetically modified canola and corn affected farmers who don't even use Monsanto's products. The thing about canola and corn is that their pollen is
airborne, like many other plants and vegetables.
One farmer in Canada was subjected to contamination when a neighboring farm planted in Monsanto's GM canola. And, of course, the pollen spread around the area and landed on the non-GM canola plants. Subsequently, the non-GMO farmer was sued by Monsanto for having "their genetic material" growing in his fields. This cost the farmer about $200,000 in legal fees and lost wages. And if this isn't bad enough, his fields and his own personal seed supply is contaminated with genes
he doesn't even want. His work of over 40 years is ruined. How can we allow this to happen?
I'm against allowing patents on genes or genetic material.
This article details a
human example that provides more evidence on the need for overturning this part of US patent law.