Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Raised Beds!

It's my privilege to announce the debut of 3 new raised beds!
We used two 2x6s for the sides (rough redwood) and 1/2" wire mesh (galvanized) in the bottom to keep the gophers out. The dump supplied us with 2 truckloads of compost for only $85. (Lots of shoveling and wheelbarrowing ensued). Have I told ya'll how much I love our dump? I don't think so...well, I need to. Anyway, once we got the compost in the beds I planted out some kohlrabi and pac choy seedlings. They may not have time to grow very much before it gets cold, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Cabbage white butterflies are everywhere in the backyard, so I covered the seedlings with black netting. Maybe I won't have to pick off so many caterpillars this time. Can you squish caterpillars with your bare fingers? I can deal with the little ones that way, but the big boys are another story....they require stomping for me.

I found 3 trellises at OSH that fit perfectly in the back of the beds. Being a member of the "do-it-yourself" camp, I had a plan to make the trellises myself. But I found out it was going to cost almost as much to build them myself (and be a royal pain involving ripping several boards), so I bought the pre-made ones. Gotta pick your battles, you know? Peas are just starting to pop up under the trellises - Tall Telephone and Sugar Snap. I also planted snow peas for the first time, but they don't get a tall trellis, since they are shorties. It would normally be time to plant garlic and shallots, but since my garlic got rust this year, I'm afraid it's a bad idea to replant it. (Thanks, Michelle for your advice.) I bought some shallots at the farmer's market and I'm thinking about planting them. Note that this is a "no-no" in all the books, since there is a possibility of disease spread when you aren't using "certified" sets. I did it anyway last year and they grew really well...until the gopher ate them. Maybe I'll plant some more favas, too. Come on rain!


joeltheurbangardener said...

Ooooooh...raised nice! I'm a dump lover myself. I always thought that if I ever sell my place, I'll advertise that it's less than a 1/4 mile from the dump/recycle/compost depot. Some may be turned off, but those who understand will see how it's a selling point. Good luck with your project.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Hi jackie! They look very professional! Your next season should be great!

Daphne Gould said...

Ah new raised beds. So pretty! I wonder if our transfer station does that too. All the other trash gets shipped out, but the compost waste they do on site.

Jackie/Southern Post said...

Nice job on the raised beds, Jackie. You got a great deal on that compost... even with all the shoveling. :)

Anonymous said...

Jackie, what a great job! Can you come and make me some? LOL. I really love raised beds. They look great and will be wonderful for gardening.