Monday, August 3, 2009

Harvest Monday - Aug. 3, 2009

Today's harvest centers on radishes. There are 5 German Giants for a total of 16.9 oz and the normal-size ones are a mixture of Cherry Belle, French Breakfast, and an unknown purple variety for a total of 4 oz. I also harvested 2 Italian Romanesco zucchini (10 oz.), purple podded pole beans (3 oz.), 1 tomatillo (1 oz.), a few ground cherries (0.25 oz.), and tomatoes [Sungold (3.5 oz.), Paul Robeson (15 oz.), & Stupice (4 oz.)].

Plus, I canned 5 pints of purple podded pole beans and pickled 2 quarts of zucchini and radishes. I'm trying to save up enough ripe tomatoes for a canning session. I figure I'll need at least 10 lbs (= 4 pints of tomato sauce) to make it the worth time.


Dan said...

What a beautiful harvest and photo of it too. The zucchini is very interesting, I am trying Cocozelle zucchini this year.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Great harvest, Jackie! What surprised me was that you have radishes so late in the season! I thought they like cool weather. In my garden, green peas are unusually late. They also like cool weather, but still going while it's so hot!

Daphne said...

Wow that is one pretty harvest photo. I wish I had enough large tomatoes for sauce. This is the year of the cherry for me though. I'm thinking next year maybe more big tomatoes and paste tomatoes.

Jackie said...

Dan, good luck with your Cocozelle zucchini. Interesting name!

Tatyana, we have a cool climate all year long :) Bad for tomatoes, but good for radishes.

Daphne, I'm growing a mixture of all tomato type, but the cherries always do best in our cool summers.

Thanks for all of your kind comments!

Toni said...

Hi there Jackie! Greetings from Wyoming! Nice blog!

What a wonderful harvest!!!

My cucumbers have been having a tough go this year too... I added more compost and they bounced back.

PS... I love your hat in your photo... very chic!

Country Mouse said...

I garden on the central coast too, but for me to grow veggies would require a total cage, gopher wire below, deer/bunny fence above. So I haven't gotten into it yet - thanks for sharing your harvest - it's a visual treat1

Sylvana said...

What do you use to can beans? I do not have a pressure canner, but have been looking at a steam canner.

Jackie said...

Thanks for visiting, Toni!

Wow, Country Mouse, dear AND gophers. That's too bad, but you could overcome them.

Sylvana, I use a pressure canner. I bought it a Wal-Mart...maybe $50?